Inomin Mines Inc. trades on the TSX-V under the symbol MINE
Stock Symbol: MINE
Stock Exchange Listing: TSXV
Junior Mining Stocks Offer Tremendous Leverage to Commodity Prices
For investors seeking extraordinary leverage to rising commodity prices – especially critical minerals and precious metals – junior mining stocks offer among the best options for dynamic wealth creation. Gains are provided in multiple ways including: 1) ownership in projects of target commodities, 2) mineral discoveries, 3) delineation of resources, 4) start of mining, and 5) acquisition of new prospective mineral properties.
In bull markets for gold and critical minerals, junior miners can provide very high investment exposure to such commodities as small companies typically respond much greater to positive sector or corporate developments than major miners. This is simply as a result of companies respective sizes. A significant acquisition or mineral discovery will impact a junior’s value far greater than a large miner. Thus a small exploration company can easily see its share price increase 2 to 10 times in value on positive news – often immediately.
Many successful resource investors seek good, small companies (under $10 million market capitalization) for greater upside. They focus on major social and economic trends, understanding the impact on stocks. Smart money also often buy small explorers before these companies get on the radars of analysts, brokers, and institutional investors. By staying in the know, investors can find gems well ahead of the herd.
The Trend is Your Friend
The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates the demand for many critical minerals will increase six-fold between 2020 and 2040. This surge is largely driven by worldwide initiatives to decarbonize to reduce global warming and rising pollution. To capitalize on the tremendous growth for critical minerals, as well as ever-growing demand for precious metals, Inomin (TSXV: MINE) is focused on magnesium-nickel and gold-silver projects that are prospective for hosting significant deposits.
Critical Minerals – the New Gold in a Greening World
In south-central British Columbia, Canada, MINE owns the 23,000 hectare Beaver-Lynx critical minerals (magnesium-nickel) project. Beaver is an exploration project where the company's drilling has discovered significant intervals (250 metres) of near-surface, magnesium, nickel, and cobalt- mineralization. The property is ideally located near two base metal mines, hydro-electricity, and paved roads, offering an infrastructure-rich, truly green, exploration-development opportunity.
Mountains of Gold
In Mexico, the La Gitana and Pena Blanca gold-silver properties display excellent potential to host considerable near-surface, gold and silver mineral systems. Drilling by past owner, Chesapeake Gold, at the La Gitana includes an outstanding discovery intercept of 133.5 meters (438 feet) of 1.78 g/t gold and 100.7 g/t silver. Gold and silver mineralization is prevalent throughout the hilltop.